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The resilience of the Mediterranean sea to directional climate change: development of experimental and risk models to evaluate the resistance mechanism of different marine

Progetti nazionali
Programma di ricerca
Ricerca Corrente 2022
Ente finanziatore
Ministero della Salute
Settore ERC
LS2_11 - Bioinformatics and computational biology
€ 100,000
01/06/2023 - 31/12/2024
Marco Beccuti

Aree / Gruppi di ricerca

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

The present project, studying the adaptive molecular mechanisms implemented by various marine species in response to climate change, aims to identify and characterize new biomarkers to evaluate, monitor and predict the impact of abiotic stressful environmental factors on the pathophysiology of different marine organisms both at to develop possible safeguard strategies and to evaluate their economic impact. In particular, they will be:
(1) Characterized the main pathogenetic mechanisms associated with global warming in marine mammals and turtles stranded on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea;
(2) Created in vivo and in vitro experimental computational models to study the effect of water temperature, acidity, and salinity variations on the molecular mechanisms of resistance adopted by marine organisms and on protein misfolding;
(3) Developed predictive computational models of ecological risk in the Mediterranean region.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/07/2024 08:52
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